Arunkumar Govinda Bhat.


Hello, World!

September 25, 2023

This is the first post on my eJournal and is special to me.

I was jotting down the possible ideas that could be used in my first blog post. And I thought, why not talk about the purpose of this website and blog?

This is my passion project website where I document my art, poetry, publications, readings, thoughts, and much more; basically, the idea is to experiment with the mediums I can get my hand over and push my creative boundaries. I just wanna be more productive and stay minimal.

I want to keep my spirits high and be:

╰(*°▽°*)╯ Creatively Happy

(❁´◡`❁) Stay Positive

((⌐■_■) Do it Yourself

By blogging, I believe that I could share my ideas with a lot of people like you.

I believe that if the work is great it will reach out and the audience is gradually built upon.

In this big cluttered internet, you have found me and you are reading my blog now. Isn't that the true joy?

I have always been a huge fan of classic web experiences. I want to build a website that is classic in looks but modern in thoughts.

Basic Idea

The website is to read and enjoy the experience. There is no ad, analytics, or crazy animations, that distract a good reader.

Why DIY?

I have tried out most of the website builders out there on the internet, but I am not happy with them. They build websites that consume most of my time in just designing and deciding unnecessary stuff. The layouts are not quenching my thirst and do not have the tone of voice that I want to maintain.

Too many distractions on these built-in websites. The main point of the blog is just lost. The beauty and the art are lost. That my friend, is not my cup of tea.

I like to keep it simple and modest and stay to the core principles of why I choose to blog.

How is it built?

  • The blog is built from scratch using basic HTML and CSS {^_~} only.
  • I use the basic text editor, Notepad, for coding. I like to code it without any gags and copilot.
  • I have a GitHub repository and host the website/blog on GitHub pages.
  • The blog is static and a minimal one.
  • What to expect?

    I am going to start filling out my website. I want to make this as my internet home.

    I want to create more and implement a better writting routine with this blog

    Hope you all have a good reading experience